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NADA AS is a subsidiary of MBL, the Norwegian Media Businesses' Association. NADA's primary purpose is to further the use of digital ad services for newspapers and magazines in Norway. Starting in 1999, NADA has developed and published national standards for newspaper ads as well as for magazine ads. From the beginning NADA has championed the PDF format for printed ads.
NADA is financed by the Norwegian newspapers. NADA's Board of Directors currently consists of Tom Lekang (Amedia), Yngve Eide (Schibsted) and Yngve Haukaas (Agderposten). NADA's general manager, running the day-to-day business, is Associate Director Geir Engen in MBL. NADA has engaged a small number of consultants for development and support purposes.
NADA's unique tool in the advertising marketplace is NADAexpress. This net-based solution was introduced in early 2003, and since that time has developed into a powerful all-purpose tool for ad creators and senders as well as for the ad receivers – the media. Senders upload their PDF ads to NADAexpress, where these are preflighted against national standards for newspaper and magazine ads. For ads without prohibitive errors, users will enter the necessary job ticket information before NADAexpress sends the ads to the receiving media. Many receiving media currently use NADAexpress itself as their sole means of administering and handling of ads received.
Anywhere from 100 to 300 ads per day are sent using NADAexpress. The ads are everything from small one-column black-and-white ads to full page ads in four colors. As the PDF ads are preflighted before they are cleared for transmission to the media, the media will receive only material that can be handled without any problems.
The NADAexpress service is bilingual – in Norwegian and English. A lot of ad producers outside Norway use NADAexpress to distribute their ads to Norwegian printed media. Foreign NADAexpress users are found most often in the Scandinavian countries and the rest of northern Europe, but active NADAexpress users also work in countries as diverse as Romania, Switzerland and the Faroe Islands.
In June of 2018, NADA's color conversion service was integrated into NADAexpress, and at the same time extended to handling of magazine ads as well as newspaper ads. Newspaper ads are converted from any color space into DeviceCMYK or DeviceGray, the only two accepted color spaces for newspaper ads in Norway. Magazine ads are converted to DeviceCMYK according to the correct ICC profile for each magazine.
On March 28th 2019 NADAexpress sent its ad number 1,7 million.
Tollbugata 8, 0152 Oslo
Phone (Norway): +47 951 99 067
Contact: Geir Engen, E-mail:, Phone +47 951 99 067
Phone: +47 22 59 55 55
Note! Do not send ad material to these e-mail addresses! They are for support and contact inquiries only. For ad material use NADAexpress.
If you have problems or questions of a technical nature, first try our support pages.